NepShoot, how was it born?

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Around 5 years ago, When I was in Singati one photographer Kishor Shrestha came to my office to make a documentary about Climate Change’s impact on one VDC. I.e. Village Development Committee. At that time, I think he was armed with Canon 6d MII and its lens with other accessories. Before that, I used to take photographs with my mobile phone. When I met him, I felt that it is better to use cameras instead of mobile phones to capture images. And it is also better to store images and show them to others. Actually, before that, I met Umit Shrestha of Kirtipur, Nepal. Somehow, he introduced photography. He used to teach me about photography. I also used to capture images. I captured lots of images stored on the laptop and finally threw them all into the bin. One day he made me a member of the Nepalese in Photography group on Facebook. The first time I remember is when I uploaded 1 photo to that group my photograph got above 800 likes. I felt that I can do photography. People liked my perception and my style of taking photographs. After that, I started to click. 

1 year after that time I had been to Sindhupalchok. When I was in Sindhupalchok at that time I myself gave pressured to buy a camera. I planned to buy a camera, and after that, I went to Kathmandu. I met Umit, I told him that I came here to buy a camera. We went to Newroad. He Searches for a camera for me that I can afford. We went to 1 shop. i.e. 2 floors above. He chose one and I bought it.

Again, Kishor Shrestha came to make another documentary about the promotion of touristic sites in the Sindhupalchok district. I walked for 1 week with him. I learn the basics of photography with him. He teaches me a lot. We did a campaign type of photography in those days.

Till that time, I learned more about photography. I also learn on YouTube and on blogs. Heartily I want to say that, at that time I thought that I was very well-known for photography but that was not the reality. Then I thought about making a portfolio to publish my photographs. Initially, I started with my Facebook account. I used to publish my photography daily there. After that, I created a Facebook page and named it Schandikar Photography. Having lots of photographs, I thought about expanding and making a brand. When I am posting it on the Facebook page few people who are connected with me, only used to watch those. After that, I thought that I have to go for the bigger one. At that time, I am trying to pick some domain. At that time, I again thought that Schandikar photography may be longer and not easy to spell also. I have to change my brand name. I thought a lot. Finally, NepShoot came into my mind. Literally, it is a mixed form of Nepal and a photoshoot. That I pick Nep from Nepal and shoot from a photoshoot and I combined it. It’s a brand name that’s how it is. Then I register my brand only in the domain, named it, I registered with tech101, a renowned company for hosting, etc. I prepared a Facebook page and named it NepShoot. My first page was gone again I build it. I also work with Instagram to expand my brand name but my brand is not expanding as I expected. Please help me to expand by sharing my website.

It’s the history of NepShoot.

Thank you!

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